Media Pack

Welcome to CBD UK Products – your go-to destination for all things CBD and vaping in the UK. We’re excited to share our story, expertise, and audience demographics with you through our media pack.

About CBD UK Products

CBD UK Products is a leading online platform dedicated to providing reliable information and high-quality products in the CBD and vaping industry. With a focus on transparency, education, and community, we’ve established ourselves as a trusted resource for consumers seeking wellness solutions.

Our Audience

Our audience consists of individuals who are curious about CBD, passionate about wellness, and eager to explore alternative remedies for various health concerns. They span diverse demographics, including:


Primarily between 25 and 45, with a significant portion in the 18-24 and 45-65 age brackets.


Balanced between male and female, with a growing interest from non-binary and gender-fluid individuals.


Health and wellness, natural remedies, sustainability, lifestyle, and alternative therapies.

Geographic Location

Predominantly located in the UK, with a growing international following.

Why Work With Us?


Our team comprises CBD enthusiasts and industry experts who are passionate about sharing knowledge and promoting wellness.

Engaged Audience

We have a highly engaged audience actively seeking information, products, and recommendations related to CBD and vaping.


We prioritize transparency in all our content and partnerships, ensuring that our audience receives authentic and trustworthy information.

Advertising Opportunities

Partnering with CBD UK Products opens up various advertising opportunities to reach our engaged audience:

Banner Ads

Prominently display your brand or product through banner advertisements on our website.

Sponsored Content

Collaborate with us to create informative and engaging sponsored content tailored to your brand and message.

Product Reviews

Have your CBD products reviewed by our team of experts for honest and insightful feedback.

Social Media Promotion

Amplify your message through sponsored posts on our social media channels, including Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Contact Us

Ready to elevate your brand’s presence in the CBD and vaping market? Get in touch with us to discuss advertising opportunities, request our rate card, or explore custom partnership options.

Email: [email protected]


Join us at CBD UK Products and connect with a vibrant community of wellness enthusiasts across the UK and beyond.